By Guest Contributor

by Janice McCallen

On June 17, the Board of Laity hosted the first Tennessee-Western Kentucky (TWK) Conference Laity Luncheon. Ticket sales began when annual conference registration opened and the luncheon sold out in just a few weeks.

It was an honor to have ENCORE Ministry Foundation sponsor this year’s luncheon. Their sponsorship allowed us to offer a delicious and affordable hot lunch prepared and served by the chef and congregation of First United Methodist Church in Murfreesboro.

John Rivas, Executive Director, and Dr. Richard Gentzler, Director of Older Adult Ministry, were the featured speakers. Their educational and informative presentation focused on the abundant services ENCORE provides throughout the conference — including consultation, training and support, advocacy, resources, networking opportunities, and grant funding to equip church leaders for intentional ministry by, with, and for older adults.

In his presentation, Tips for Improving Communication by Church Leaders with Older Adults, Gentzler stressed that successful relationships with older adults often require unique communication skills and strategies. He also spoke about the importance of:

  • Making our church buildings accessible
  • Showing empathy
  • Using proper language and forms of address
  • Compensating for hearing and visual deficits
  • Recognizing the need for continuity and familiarity

In closing, Gentzler stated that ultimately — as church leaders — we must learn what it means to see ourselves as members of an aging society in which we are called to be in ministry. 

Rivas shared information about a variety of ENCORE Ministry grants — ranging from $1,000 to $10,000 — to help fund senior adult programs and ministries in TWK Conference churches. Some grants help local churches start an older adult ministry program or expand an existing one. Other grants address older adult issues such as food security, transportation, healthcare, affordable housing, and spiritual development.

One such grant — The Bill and Lynn McAlilly Grant for Church Accessibility — helps TWK churches and other conference facilities address accessibility issues. In the past, money from this grant has helped fund elevators, install or update ramps and restrooms, and pave parking lots to help make buildings accessible to older adults so they may fully participate in church activities. 

For more information on grant opportunities, as well as a grant application, visit

In 2030, the Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conference will be home to more than 940,000 adults over the age of 65. This is an increase of 24% from today’s population.

With the graying of America and our churches, older adult ministry is now more important than ever. Yet many churches offer very little in the way of mission and ministry opportunities for older adults.

Churches offering older adult ministries will find their older adults are more likely to participate in church activities, express greater satisfaction with their church and church leadership, and have a greater sense of well-being. * Ensuring that our churches offer vital and relevant ministries for this important population segment is a key component to maintaining healthy and vibrant congregations throughout the TWK Conference.

The staff of Encore Ministry Foundation welcomes the opportunity to speak to individuals or congregations and provide more information about the services and resources they offer. For more information, visit or email

* Excerpted from Tips for Improving Communication by Church Leaders with Older Adults by Dr. Richard Gentzler.

Janice McCallen is the Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conference Lay Leader.