Chris O’Rear, Counseling Center director at Belle Meade United Methodist Church in Nashville, counsels a client. A grant from the Golden Cross Foundation supplements counseling fees for United Methodist senior adult clients unable to pay a minimum fee. The Counseling Center at Belle Meade United Methodist Church in Nashville received a $2,500 grant from the Golden Cross Foundation, a non-profit …
Alzheimer’s or another other form of dementia every 77 seconds. Today, someone is diagnosed every 66 seconds.
And the number is escalating. In 2050, it will be one person every 33 seconds.
By Rev. Karla Woodward Pastoral care for the frail is not difficult or complicated. For the most part, it is a simple gift of time and presence. Pastoral visits from clergy or lay volunteers maintain a connection with those who can no longer get to church so they know they are not forgotten. They reach out to faithful, active members …
By 2025, older people will compose a greater proportion of our society than at any time in human history. In the next decade, age-related illnesses and labor dynamics threaten to strain our institutions and support systems in unprecedented ways, upending assumptions about what it means to age well. The biological and cultural benchmarks we’ve taken for granted are shifting fundamentally. To address the varied and …
By Richard H. Gentzler, Jr., DMin When Moses came down from Mt. Sinai, he carried with him the Ten Commandments. These laws were to govern the beliefs and actions of his followers. The Fifth Commandment proclaimed that the people were to “honor your father and your mother, so that your days may be long in the land the Lord your God …
(The National Center on Elder Abuse) What is elder abuse? What warning signs should a caregiver look for? And what can be done about it if abusing is happening? Here are some of the most commonly asked questions about elder abuse. What is Elder Abuse? Elder abuse is any knowing, intended, or careless act that causes harm or serious risk …