The Latest

New Look Embraces Future Growth and Opportunity
In a rapidly changing social landscape, ENCORE Ministry Foundation is adapting to remain relevant and effective. Rebranding EMF is one powerful strategy implemented to refresh our purpose, engage new supporters, and clarify our message.
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What's New
February 2025 Scam of the Month: Mailbox Mayhem
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and United States Postal Inspection Services (USPIS) issued a public service announcement that check…
The Most Important Inheritance You’ll Ever Leave
The most important inheritance you’ll ever leave has little to with monetary wealth. It’s the values we prize and priorities…
Eleven Spiritual Practices for Older Adults
Eleven spiritual practices that can deepen our awareness of the essential spiritual part of life and provide frameworks for navigating…
Our Grant Can Further Your Project or Program
If you are thinking about a program or project at your church or in your community that involves older adults, and you are curious about how the ENCORE Ministry Foundation might help, we encourage you to learn more about our grant program.