In 2018, grant support from the ENCORE Ministry Foundation (formerly the Golden Cross Foundation) funded two tiny homes at The Village at Glencliff, located on the campus of Glencliff United Methodist Church in Nashville. These homes have become a beacon of hope for older adults, people experiencing homelessness, and individuals facing illness. They offer not just a roof over the unhoused, but a stable environment where people can begin to rebuild their lives, regain their independence, and discover community.
The impact of these tiny homes extends far beyond their walls.
The impact of these tiny homes extends far beyond their walls. Describing the community formed within these homes, Glencliff’s pastor — Rev. Ingrid McIntyre — said, “Not only do these homes serve as a place to live, they also give the residents a sense of community. They’re so sweet to each other. They’ll make food for each other if somebody doesn’t feel well. Being able to finally have housing means they are getting to experience things that you don’t ever have the opportunity or privilege of doing when you’re in survival mode. You can’t care about anyone else when you’re in survival mode.”
Currently, The Village at Glencliff has 12 tiny homes. Residents typically stay for up to 90 days, though some remain longer. One resident, who had been sleeping at his workplace before moving into a tiny home, now enjoys access to essential services such as physical therapy, mental health support, and primary care in his native language.
Not only do these homes serve as a place to live, they also give the residents a sense of community.
Reflecting on the significance of ENCORE Ministry’s support, McIntyre said, “Because of ENCORE Ministry, we have two homes we would not have had. They allowed us to go into a new phase debt-free. Our goal now is to secure sustainable income to cover the costs of housing upkeep, programming, and staff salaries. Additionally, we plan to set aside funds for phase two of our development.”
The Village at Glencliff is truly a diverse community, encompassing people of different nationalities, ages, and identities. This vibrant mix fosters a unique sense of unity and mutual care, as neighbors see each other daily and share in each other’s lives.
As Rev. McIntyre and her congregation discern their next steps, they are guided by two profound questions — What do we want to leave behind, and what is our legacy here? The growing number of senior adults, who are often overlooked and under-resourced, underscores the importance of the congregation’s mission.
To learn more about The Village at Glencliff and how ENCORE Ministry Foundation are making a difference in the lives of older adults, click here.
Sydney Van Atta is a marketing/communications consultant who resides in Brentwood, Tennessee.