By John Rivas

I recently sat with a friend who was lamenting the loss of the home where he grew up. It was torn down and replaced by a house more suitable for a new family.

As I listened, he reminisced about memories from his house — his mom’s cooking, his dad playing basketball with him in the driveway, and his siblings building forts out of empty boxes in the living room. I felt empathy for my friend because those treasured memories now live only in his heart and mind.

We all experience change in our lives. While it might not be as traumatic as demolition of a childhood home, uninvited change sometimes leaves us with feelings of deep loss.

Growing older can bring uninvited change. We notice we can’t do the same things we once did physically. We must be more intentional at activities we once took for granted. Our circle of friends becomes smaller as those we care about transition from this life to the next.

ENCORE Ministry Foundation (known as the Golden Cross Foundation when founded in 2013) was born out of the generosity of hundreds of people and congregations, who, over the decades, responded to the need to support individuals and couples worried about leaving homes where they raised their families. Those folks needed benevolent care in terms of housing, assisted living, and long-term health care. They found it at the legacy Tennessee Conference’s retirement community, McKendree Village, with the support of individuals and congregations who responded to those needs.

Formation of the Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conference in 2022 resulted in a new name, ENCORE Ministry Foundation. That name change avoided confusion with a similarly named ministry in the legacy Memphis Conference, Golden Cross Senior Ministries. Over the years, the foundation has provided grants, resources, networking, benevolent care, and training for older adults and those in ministry with older adults.

Today, exciting things are happening at ENCORE Ministry Foundation as we continue to grow and actively make an impact in older adults’ lives in the TWK Conference. We look forward to doing even more with your prayers and generous financial support.

As part of this growth, we have adopted a new purpose statement for the ENCORE Ministry Foundation: Intentional ministry by, with, and for older adults.

We will fulfill our purpose by

  • Providing quality resources
  • Initiating collaborative solutions
  • Empowering older adults to live grace-filled lives

Our values include

  • Our Wesleyan heritage
  • Strategic alliances
  • Lifelong learning

To accomplish what is needed for today’s seniors, we need to expand what we do in the areas of older adult programing, food security, transportation, healthcare, affordable housing, accessibility, and spiritual development.

Just as those who supported McKendree Village in the past, will you consider supporting ENCORE Ministry Foundation with a personally significant gift — $100, $250, $500, or more — to meet the changes and challenges facing older adults today?

You might consider using some or all of your Required Minimum Distribution or a Qualified Charitable Contribution from your Traditional IRA, 401(k), or 501(3)(b). Or, you may consider contributing an appreciated non-cash asset like stock or a gift from your donor advised fund. These options may come with tax advantages, and we stand ready to help you implement a strategy to accomplish this objective.

Our goal is to raise $50,000 from supporters and faithful congregations. Would you, being mindful about the needs of today’s senior adults, prayerfully consider what you can contribute toward this goal? To get the conversation started, reach out to me at or call 615-660-3509.

I am grateful for your prayers, commitment, and support. I pray that God will bless you today and in the days to come.

Joyfully serving,

John Rivas
Executive Director, ENCORE Ministry Foundation