SeniorHousingNet is an online platform that allows users to search for asisted living and long term care homes for seniors. To visit their webpage of resources and information related to assisted living in Tennessee, click here. To see information related to senior living in Kentucky, click here.

Free workshops and programs featuring topics ranging from defining dementias, caregiver support, transitions in care, advanced directives, disaster planning, legal issues, and mental health support are available from the TN Department of Health and The University of Tennessee Chattanoog School of Nursing.

Important links to elder abuse resources for Kentucky and Tennessee.

Property values are on the rise. This means an increase in property taxes, a concern for many older adults living on fixed incomes. Click read more for information on Tennessee’s Property Tax Freeze Program and Property Tax Relief Program.

The S.E.N.I.O.R.S. Ministry model is offered as a means of designing an intentional older adult ministry that meets the needs of all, or at least most, of the older adults in your congregation and community. The model’s components address: spirituality, enrichment, nutrition (health and wellness), intergenerational, outreach (evangelism), recreation, and service.

ENCORE Ministry invites all pastors and church leaders related to older adult ministries in the Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conference to complete and return the charge conference report, even if you do not have an older adult ministry.