ENCORE Ministry is a valuable resource available in the Tennessee-Western Kentucky (TWK) Conference to help congregations meet the needs of the fastest-growing demographic group in our conference: older adults.
ENCORE Ministry provides training and support, resources, and networking opportunities to equip church leaders in the TWK Conference for intentional ministry by, with, and for midlife and mature adults. There is no cost to congregations or districts for its service.
Our world is getting older. And it’s getting older fast. An age revolution is taking place in our nation where thousands of people each day are entering their retirement years and the Third Age of life.
Like no other time in history, this emerging population trend of midlife and mature adults is providing local churches with a unique opportunity to reach out and minister to and through them. With growing numbers of midlife and mature adults in our pews, congregations have an opportunity to be blessed by the gifts, prayers, presence, service, and witness of their older members. If given a chance, older adults can provide congregations with a unique opportunity to make a significant and positive impact in the life of our communities.
Unfortunately, many church leaders have little training or understanding in knowing how ministry by, with, and for midlife and mature adults can help bring about a new vitality to their congregations.
If we are to seize this moment in time, congregational leaders must be trained and provided with effective resources. We need to build ministries that are creative, intentional, and led by people who are equipped, inspired, and passionate for the task.
To meet the needs of an aging population, ENCORE Ministry provides:
- One-on-one consultation
- Training and support in older adult ministries
- Resources that help establish or build older adult ministries
- Matching grant funding
- Local and district workshops
- Networking opportunities with other older adult ministry teams