A Special Year-End Appeal For ENCORE Ministry Foundation

ENCORE Ministry Foundation is dedicated to intentional ministry by, with, and for older adults. We are ready to accomplish even more, but need your prayers, partnership, and financial support to make it possible. Will you consider making a personally significant gift today for us to redouble our efforts to assist older adults who need better accessibility, affordable housing, food security, as well as support local churches that need older adult programs to empower older adults to live grace-filled lives?

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Tiny Homes Create Sense of Community, Unity, and Mutual Care

Tiny Homes Create Sense of Community, Unity, and Mutual Care

In 2018, grant support from the ENCORE Ministry Foundation (formerly the Golden Cross Foundation) funded two tiny homes at The Village at Glencliff, located on the campus of Glencliff United Methodist Church in Nashville. These homes have become a beacon of hope for older adults, people experiencing homelessness, and individuals facing illness. They offer not just a roof over the unhoused, but a stable environment where people can begin to rebuild their lives, regain their independence, and discover community.

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Make Twice the Impact!

At ENCORE Ministry Foundation, we are committed to seeing every older adult live a grace-filled life. To that end, we are excited to announce that our Board will match gifts made by December 31, up to $50,000.

Today, we are challenging you to match the foundation’s commitment with a gift of $100, $250, $500, or more, to help people live into that hopeful future. Together, we can make an impact in nutrition, transportation, healthcare, affordable housing, and church building accessibility for senior adults. And with the Board match, your gift will make twice the impact!

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How Your Support Makes A Difference

John RivasHow will your great-great grandchildren remember you? It can be a daunting question, can’t it?

All I know about my great-great grandparents’ generation is the year they were born and the year they transitioned from this life to the next. What I wish I knew is found in the dash between those years.

It is my deepest desire that my dash is filled with stories of how I did my best to make a difference in people’s lives. That core value motivates me daily and is why I love being a part of the ENCORE Ministry Foundation.

ENCORE Ministry Foundation is dedicated to intentional ministry by, with, and for older adults. We do this by transforming lives through supporting vital ministry projects like The Village of Glencliff and the Best Years program at Gordon Memorial United Methodist Church.

We are ready to accomplish even more, but need your prayers, partnership, and financial support to make it possible. Will you consider making a personally significant gift today for us to redouble our efforts to assist older adults who need better accessibility, affordable housing, food security, as well as support local churches that need older adult programs to empower older adults to live grace-filled lives?

Please reach out to me at jrivas@encoreministry.org or 615-660-3509 if you’d like to know more or share your comments.

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