Good communication is an important part of the relationship process among the pastor, church staff, and congregation. However, having successful relationships with older adults often requires unique communication skills and strategies. Effective pastor-older adult communication has great benefits: Older adults are more likely to participate in church activities, express greater satisfaction with their church and church leadership, and have a greater sense of well-being. “The pastor just doesn’t understand the needs of older adults like me.” Likewise, “As a pastor, I’m frustrated by the older adults in my congregation who want to maintain control and don’t want make any changes.” Developing good communication skills by church leaders is helpful for gaining the trust and cooperation with older adults. Inability to interact effectively with older adults can be problematic for some pastors and/or church staff, especially if there are generational and age differences. The goal of better communication is that church leaders deliver services that meet the needs of an increasingly diverse older adult population. The ENCORE Ministry Foundation has published a helpful resource for church leaders, Tips for Improving Communication by Church Leaders with Older Adults. The printed resource was distributed to annual conference laity and clergy delegates at the TWK Annual Conference in June. Topics concerning good communication with older adults found in the resource include: Be Careful of Ageism Use Proper Form of Address Make Church Buildings and Related Church Facilities Accessible Demonstrate Empathy Don’t Assume That You Know Be Careful About Language Compensating for Hearing Deficits Compensating for Visual Deficits Nonverbal Signals and Communication Recognize the Need for Continuity and Familiarity Steps to Improving Communication Additional Resources for Intentional Older Adult Ministry Please download and share this resource with leaders in ministry with older adults in your local church — pastors, lay leaders, Sunday school teachers, choir and activity directors, and various church committee chairpersons. The resource also provides material for small group discussion. |