Free Resource Helps Congregations Care For People With Dementia Diseases And Their Families For Bishop Kenneth Carder, retired bishop of The United Methodist Church, November 2, 2009, is a date he will never forgot. The irony is that his wife, Linda, has. On that brisk November day, the Carders received Linda’s diagnosis of Frontotemporal Dementia. Since then, Bishop Carder has …
Grandparents play significant roles in families and there is an ever-increasing number of grandparents who are primary caregivers or raising grandchildren. According to Generations United, approximately 2.7 million children in the U.S. live in grandfamilies or kinship families — families in which grandparents, other adult family members, or close family friends are raising children — with no parents in the home.
The TN Hope Line, 844-600-8262, is a free phone call that is answered Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Central by trained volunteers who offer encouragement and hope for lonely senior adults. Callers are invited to call and talk about whatever is on their mind. Callers who express needs such as food and basic supplies are connected with people …
Caregiving is hard work. Put your health back on the to-do list with tips from this infographic: (click to enlarge) Source: National Institute on Aging