ENCORE Ministry grant helps rebuild four homes for low-Income senior adults in Waverly, Tennessee.

ENCORE Ministry grant helps make Beersheba Springs Assembly personal retreat lodging more accessible for older adults and guests with mobility issues.

Kent McNish, founding Executive Director of ENCORE Ministry, will retire at the end of 2023 according to the ministry’s board of directors.

ENCORE Ministry, the official older adult ministry of the Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conference of The United Methodist Church (TWK), awarded $205,502 to 26 churches and organizations in 2022.

While we shop and cook and hang holiday lights, scammers are busy looking for their next targets The Better Business Bureau has issued a list of scams to be on the lookout for during the holiday season and tips on how to keep yourself from being the next victim.

The program, We Remember You, provides holistic and all-encompassing support to family caregivers of persons living with dementia. It also supports community education programs.

Advance care planning is important for adults at any age. During an emergency or at the end of life, you or your loved ones may not be capable of making decisions about medical care.

While summer 2022’s sizzle is just a steamy memory, members of Epworth UMC in Franklin, Tennessee, still feel grateful for the $8,000 ENCORE Ministry grant that helped them update the HVAC system for the sanctuary.

For more than 45 years, Mountain T.O.P. (Tennessee Outreach Project) has offered home repair and day camp programs to individuals and families experiencing persistent poverty in Cumberland Mountain counties. As in many rural places, fewer resources exist for older adults and community-wide issues such as food insecurity and health-related emergencies tend to overshadow older adults’ physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.  
A $20,000 grant from ENCORE Ministry this year helped increase services to that older population.

Memphis’ St. Matthew’s United Methodist Church received a $7,250 ENCORE Ministry grant to help renovate a storm-damaged room and make it a safe and inviting workout area for senior adults. Church member and community residents use the facility.