During the Golden Cross Foundation Dinner at the Tennessee Annual Conference session on June 13, five (5) churches and one (1) individual were presented with the ENCORE Ministry Award for 2019.  The awards were presented by the ENCORE Ministry Committee for exemplary ministry by, with, and for older adults in the Tennessee Conference.  One church from each of the five …

Travisville UMC music directors Phyllis Roysden, Lyllis Byrd, and Danny Byrd prepare to lead Gospel singings this year. Made possible by a grant from the Golden Cross Foundation, the singings and other older adult ministries such as Bible studies, outreach, and holiday meals will benefit both congregation and community members in Pall Mall, Tennessee. Travisville United Methodist Church in Pall …

Thanks in part to a grant from the Golden Cross Foundation, construction is underway on the new Christian Life Center at Dickson (Tennessee) First United Methodist Church. When complete, the center’s elevator will provide persons with limited mobility easier access to the sanctuary in the original building. Dickson (Tennessee) First United Methodist Church received a $10,000 grant from the Golden …

Members and volunteers of Nashville’s Hillcrest United Methodist Church’s Sunny Day Club® enjoy a variety of activities each Wednesday. Money from a Golden Cross Foundation grant was used toward retrofitting the church’s 20-year-old Christian life center and fellowship hall in preparation for this ministry for persons in early stages of memory loss. Hillcrest United Methodist Church in Nashville, Tennessee, received …

Members of Gordon Memorial UMC’s Best Year Club stay active with a chair exercise program. Gordon Memorial United Methodist Church in Nashville, Tennessee, received a $8,000 grant from the Golden Cross Foundation, a non-profit corporation and extension ministry of the Tennessee Conference of The United Methodist Church. Money from the grant is used to supplement programming, meals, transportation, and everyday …

Alzheimer’s or another other form of dementia every 77 seconds. Today, someone is diagnosed every 66 seconds.
And the number is escalating. In 2050, it will be one person every 33 seconds.

Declining memberships, dwindling finances, and efforts to reach a new generation may consume church leaders so that learning to appreciate the unique challenges and gifts of aging get in the way of emphasizing older adult ministry.

By Richard H. Gentzler, Jr., D.Min. “In old age they still produce fruit; they are always green and full of sap” (Psalm 92:14) Many congregations are graying! Due to better health care, nutrition, job safety, physical fitness, and medical technology more people are living longer than ever before. As a result, many of our congregations are enjoying the blessing of …

By Dr. Richard H. Gentzler, Jr. As you plan for intentional older adult ministry, keep in mind that every older adult is a unique individual and one ministry idea does not meet all needs.  Be sure to identify needs and plan ministry accordingly.  Listed below are selected ministry ideas or “Best Practices” with older adults. Adult Day Services: Develop a …