SCAM ALERT: We’re hearing of a new twist to the IRS imposter scam: it’s now coming through the US Postal Service. How it Works: You receive an official-looking letter from the IRS saying you owe taxes related to the Affordable Care Act. The notice is labeled CP2000 for tax year 2015. The letter instructs payment be sent to the “IRS” care …

Virtual kidnapping is where the caller states that the grandchild has been taken and you need to pay ransom for them to be released. In this situation, no one has actually been kidnapped. The scammer is attempting to use fear and deception to elicit a quick response before the scam falls apart. The FBI has issued a warning that they …

Last month, the IRS warned of a new email scam that seemed to target Hotmail account users. With this scheme, phishing emails were sent out under the guise of being from the IRS. If you used a link within that email, it redirected you to a Microsoft page, where the user was asked to enter personal and/or financial information. The …

According to the National Council on Aging, financial scams targeting older adults have become the “crime of the 21st century” because seniors are thought to have significant savings and assets. Financial scams are often considered “low-risk” crimes because they often go unreported or can be difficult to prosecute. However, the effects can be devastating and leave victims in a very …